I feel like I am ready to go on the T.V. show "Mystery Diagnosis." As most of you know, I have been suffering from extreme dizziness, horrible headaches, ear pressure, and nausea. It has been so bad that I have had to miss work, I couldn't read, watch TV or drive at times. Thank God not every day is like that, but the couch has become too much of a friend to me lately. It has been going on for a month now and after 2 Redimed visits, an ER visit, 2 ENT visits, and a MRI, we still don't know what is exactly wrong with me. All we know for sure is that there is bulging fluid behind my ears. Next week I am getting more lab work done and I am getting a sinus CT scan. Hopefully we will have more answers then.
I have had a couple of "moments" during this time period. I know I was probably Cruella Deville to the nurse practitioner at the ENT who tried to tell me that I had no fluid behind my ears even though it was confirmed by two other doctors. I had a melt down of tears at work when someone asked me how I was doing. One thing I have also realized is that there is a holiness to suffering. I think God grants an extra dose of grace when people are going through suffering. All we have to do is to quiet our complaining and He will reveal Himself to us. It might be in a more powerful way than if we were not going through a tough time. A huge source of my frustration came fromm encountering a few doctors who would not take the time to really help me. Thank God I now have 2 great doctors who are not going to leave any stone unturned. I am trying to take one day at a time and even just each hour at a time. I may feel fine in the morning and 30 minutes later my world is turned upside down (literally). haha Sorry I couldn't resist.
If I have learned anything through this process, it is that I can't try to figure everything out. I will end up exhausted and frustrated if I try to do so. I need to do my part and let God be God. I am more thankful for things too. I have a appreciation for people who have a chronic illness or disability and they continue to live life to the fullest potential that they can. My work family, husband, immediate family and friends have been so understanding and helpful to me. I am so grateful for that. God is our "Great Physician" and I know "this too shall pass." Until then, I am going to try to have a good attitude and when it does pass, I might just go sky-diving to celebrate. Want to join me?